What I Can Offer To You

For Sellers

Buyers today have become much more sophisticated, therefore, to reach them, you cant just depend on 1 or 2 medium. For my sellers, to have the maximum reach, I also use add campaigns  using facebook, You tube , Website among others.

Click on this for more information on how I can help

Real Estate as Assest Progression

For those thinking of using property as a vehicle for wealth creation. Asset progression  is about a  well-planned strategy to grow your asset with minimal risk which eventually will lead you to achieve , either , funds for your children’s higher education or your own financial freedom.

It’s a careful strategy that most often, needs time to bear fruit . Click to find out more 


Commercial Property Investments

Commercial real estate has become a mainstream asset class for many of the worlds major fund houses, insurance and Pension funds. It used to be that such major holders of capital only invested in stocks and bonds .   Major financial institutions are recognizing that investing in real estate directly offers not only stability but also leads to a well balanced portfolio that can offer  capital and yield gains.

Find out the different types of commercial investment and how you can invest in one , without paying absd  ( Additional buyers Stamp Duty )or being subjected to ssd ( Seller stamp duty )

Click on , for more information on commercial property

For Foreign Investors

I answer some of the most common questions like  :

1.Can I as a foreigner invest in properties ?

2.Which property type should I invest in ?

3.What are the rules and regulations ?

Also , Where , should I invest it ?

If you are a foreign investor and would like to explore , what’s  suitable , then let me help you on that journey, guiding you on the investment horizon and returns of each property through Investment metrics like NPV, ROE, IRR 

Click to find out more 


Investing In A New Lauch Residential

Truly, these last 2 years, have given a bumper crop of projects . How do you know , which projects suits you ? It doesnt mean, that picking a condo with 2 swimming pools might be the way to choose . Not all new launches  might be suitable for you and not all might have the same capital appreciation.  What  your goals are, would also affect your choice  of new lauch.What could be right for someone elase could be wrong for you.  I have all the major condo details and through a few clicks, i can help narrow down , whats suitable . Through my proprietary  system, we can look at floor plans, prices and whats availabe in a few clicks .


First Time Buyer ?

Asset Risk Management. Thinking of buying a particular property? Do you, know, what’s the market price ? What’s the facing ? what’s the best facing  stack ? . How about its performance? How did it perform ? How does it perform compared to other properties .How will it likely perform in the future ?.How about finances, how much will be needed, ? will you qualify .

I help answer this and many other questions, through proprietary software.  Call to find out more .


All Your Property Needs In 1 Place

Basic Guide To Commercial Investment

The Basic ins & Outs of Commercial Investments 


Whats Your Home Value

For a rough guide, on what you home could be worth. Add your postal code and see, whats the probable value. 

For a more detailed breakdown and analysis. I can send you a 5 page report . 

Latest Projects

Under 1 roof, get the pricing, floor plans and if you like any, book a viewing and i will arrange the show flat vist. Thats how easy, I am making it for you 

Like What You See ? Then See It For Yourself, No Obligations

There are few ways, we can get in touch with each other. You can either leave your info, fill up the form below or contact me, through Facebook or  Linked. Just click on the icons on the right 
